School Enrollment
& Mitigation

New York City Public Health Lab EIS
New York, New York
New York City Economic Development Corporation
Project Lead
Vanasse Hangen Brustlin

LERA Consulting Structural Engineers
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Urbanomics prepared the socioeconomics chapter for the City Environmental Quality Review (CEQR) Environmental Assessment Statement analysis of the proposed New York City Public Health Lab to be relocated to East Harlem, a 230,000 SF facility including offices, lab space and a walk-in clinic and expected to cost $400 million. The lab does testing for the city's sexual health and tuberculosis clinics and handles specimens related to foodborne illnesses and diseases such as COVID-19, Zika and Ebola.
The socioeconomics analysis included a comparison of the "With-Action" condition (the proposed projected) to the "No-Action" condition (the existing use of the space) for the purpose of determining the reasonable worst-case development scenario. Urbanomics' preliminary assessment including an initial screening assessment and preliminary assessments for Adverse Effects on Specific Industries, finding that the proposed action would not result in any significant adverse impacts to the socioeconomic conditions of the study area. The proposed action would not result in any direct or indirect displacement of any residents or businesses or in adverse effects on specific industries. In addition, Urbanomics found that the Public Health Lab would bolster the health care sector within the study area by providing additional services supportive to the hospital as well as the local retail sector by through the addition of 289 new employees or potential customers.
Following submission of the EIS by VHB in partnership with Urbanomics, the project was approved. It is expected to be completed in 2020.